Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sunday, March 9th

It was daylight savings! No worries. Brian's cell phone will update automatically, right? As it turned out, no. Brian and Cheryl luckily woke up early and quickly readied themselves for Todd and Clif's 8:15 arrival from Molly and Chris's house. Robert and Jill's son asked if Robert could get some Mexican pastries for the band's ride to their last gig in San Francisco which he did. Thank you, guys! They were delicious. The band made its usual stop at 14th and Market for coffee or tea, and then headed up to the beautiful Randall Museum overlooking San Francisco on a clear, warm day. The band was glad to see Scott Gelfand, founder of the Buddy Club Children's Shows, again and visited/talked shop while setting up for their last gig of the tour. Scott worked the crowd into excitement before introducing the boys and their time machine. The show went very well. They had the birthday kids get on stage and help with the hand motions in "Pirate Ship". One girl, Lillian, had been to all five shows that the band had played at the Randall, and she sang and danced with Brian during the song. To celebrate another successful, fun-filled tour, the band went to the Woodhouse Fish Co. at 14th and Market with Chris and his son, and had another delicious, seafood meal before jumping into Brian's Jeep to drive home.

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